Processing Data…or Not

What is # really? Is it a number sign, is it a pound sign…and when did the term hashtag enter the picture and take the place of what I will and always call a number sign. 

Rewind 30 years, my parents got our first Apple Computer. It was about the size of a microwave, tan with big brown keys. I loved to hop on there on the weekends (not after school, not when I needed to be doing homework, you get my gist) and play my favorite game: Olympics, pole vaulting and floor were my specialties. I could push those two arrows so fast and make that little green man run faster than fast! And yes, I received an occasional 10.


That was and is about the only game I ever played, besides Where in the World is Carmen San Diego, and if I could still get my hands on it, I would totally play! But I digress. Since then, I’ve always been into using the computer, but never been a big embracer of technology. 

I just like to think everything magically loads, updates and poof you are ready to rock-and-roll. Oh contraire mon frere, I happen to learn just a short year ago how to close my apps on my iphone, that I need to update my iphone (whaaaa?) and that my computer needs to be backed up. (In this respect, yes I miss corporate America and our amazing IT people!!!)

With that being said, you can probably guess that Social Media Savvy is not my middle name. I am more suited to Frances, which is my original middle name. I’m old school. 

However, I recently decided to embrace the social media space and I think I may be obsessed. Pinterest and Instagram are my “babies” and every time I post or pin, I check back every 30 seconds to see if my efforts have been shared, liked, commented, you name it, I look for it!!!  

Instagram photo

Fingers crossed I continue to get the hang of this technology stuff, but in the meantime, feel free to like, post, comment, tutor suggest as you like to help me as I try to become a social media guru!!! 


#fromsocialmedianot   #tosocialmediahot  #stillnottechsavvy